What's new at Kaleido Developments?
485 Logan Avenue, Toronto, ON
Elevate at Logan
The revitalization of the East side of Toronto where this site is located is well underway with the launch of Elevate at Logan! With city council approved the re-zoning of the project in July of 2018, and a successful launch in November of 2018, this 41 unit stacked townhouse site is expected to sell out quickly!
57-63 Finch Avenue West, Toronto, ON
Nova Urban Towns
Nova Towns launched in early August of 2018 with tremendous success! Of the 42 units available, all 25 units in Phase 1 were sold out. A ground breaking ceremony was held on November 29th and construction is to begin shortly. Nova Towns is well on it's way to becoming a great addition to the community of North York!
111 Wenderly Drive, Toronto, ON
Wenderly Park Towns
This site has experienced delays due to challengers with the City of Toronto and Toronto Water. We have however, overcome these challenges and the project is scheduled to be on the January agenda to obtaining approval from city councilors. Wenderly Park Towns is scheduled to launch in the spring of 2019, with construction commencing later that summer.
665-667 Sheppard Avenue W, Toronto, ON
Clanton Park Towns
This site has experienced delays due to challengers with the City of Toronto due to capacity issues. We have however, overcome these challenges and the project is scheduled to be on the agenda in the new year to obtain approval from city councilors. Clanton Park Towns is scheduled to launch in the spring of 2019, with construction commencing later that summer.
17-29 Clarence Street, Brampton, ON
Main St. Towns
Through meetings with city council and planning, we have come to an agreement to modify the original site plan allowing us to adjust our pricing to align with the demographic in this area for affordability. The site plan is approved, and demolition of the existing buildings are complete, with the project scheduled to launch in January of 2019, and construction to begin shortly after.